February 1: Registration begins for Current Little Garden Families.
February 15th: Families on the Waitlist and those that have completed the Interest form receive Early Bird applications for available seats. Summer Sessions/Camps Registration Opens.
March 1st: Open Enrollment: applications are made available to the general public.
Summer: Enrollment is closed when sessions fill. Interest forms and Waitlist applications are made available (see descriptions below).
(February - late Summer or until programs are filled)
Complete the Application Form & submit $50 Fee
​To hold your child's seat after you have received an offer of enrollment, you must:
Complete and submit Emergency Contact & Health Form
Pay Materials / Administrative Fee of $225 and last month's Tuition Deposit of $300
When you have completed enrollment, we will:
Confirm receipt of fees
Confirm class assignment
Send Little Garden Learning Parent Handbook
Little Garden Learning offers a sliding scale to families that would otherwise not be able to access our program. Please let us know if you would like to apply for a sliding scale or to donate to the sliding scale program.
To set up a phone appointment please Contact Us.
The interest form does not guarantee enrollment, nor is it a waitlist application. The Interest Form lets us know that you want to receive a Spring Early-Bird application for the 2025-26 year and beyond. If the $40 fee is a burden, please email littlegardenlearning@gmail.com to request a waiver.
Our waitlist is created annually when a program has reached the maximum number of students and enrollment is closed. Families are welcome to sign up on the waitlist and will be notified if spots become available in that school year. Some programs are more popular than others, so waitlist lengths vary. We cannot guarantee that families on the waitlist will be able to enroll in the same year. Waitlist families that are not able to enroll will be offered Spring Early-Bird applications for the following school year. If the $40 fee is a burden, please email littlegardenlearning@gmail.com to request a waiver.